Depending on your driving habits, you can cut the price of your car insurance in half. Sound too good to be true? It’s not—as more insurers offer pay-per-mile car insurance, more people are dropping their traditional car insurance for this potentially cost-saving option.Here’s a look at how … [Read more...] about Is pay-per-mile car insurance right for you?
10 ways to change bad spending habits and save money
Make this the year you make changes to your bad spending habits and have a positive impact on your household budget. It’s easier than you think. Check this list of tips for smart spending and pick a few money-saving strategies to try.Definitely do not adopt them all at once, as you’re bound to … [Read more...] about 10 ways to change bad spending habits and save money
How to save money on food without using coupons
Groceries for a family of four with young children cost an average of about $1,000 a month in the summer of 2023, not including takeout and restaurant meals, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That’s a big chunk of change.But there are ways to spend less on food and still eat a … [Read more...] about How to save money on food without using coupons
8 ways to save money on veterinary care
When a close friend had a pacemaker implanted in her ailing Boston terrier, I was astounded. I knew that my friend loved her dog and that she could well afford that level of medical care, but the five-figure price tag of the pacemaker, surgery and follow-up still left me reeling.I … [Read more...] about 8 ways to save money on veterinary care
How ‘mean moms’ teach their kids about money
How much do your kids know about money? I don’t mean, how much do they know about how to wheedle a dollar out of your wallet for the vending machine. I mean, how much do they know about how money is earned, saved, invested and spent?Do yourself and your children a favor and teach them about … [Read more...] about How ‘mean moms’ teach their kids about money
Can you save money by doing your own taxes? Here’s how to know
I always used my family's accountant to do my taxes. He wasn’t cheap, but I thought the expense was justified — until I found some serious errors in my tax return that, had I not caught them, would have cost me as much as I was paying my accountant. At that point, I realized that I could do my taxes … [Read more...] about Can you save money by doing your own taxes? Here’s how to know
10 smart ways to spend your tax refund
It’s the most wonderful time of the year for some — the season in which your state and federal government pays its debt to you in the form of a big, fat tax refund. If you’re expecting Uncle Sam to be generous this year, it’s tempting to spend the money on luxury items or vacations as soon as it … [Read more...] about 10 smart ways to spend your tax refund
How to profit from your old CD and DVD collections
Before high-speed internet and digital music and movies, it wasn't rare for people to spend thousands of dollars on a DVD and CD collection. But with today’s options for online streaming and on-demand content, the need for physical media has gone by the wayside as easier and cheaper versions of … [Read more...] about How to profit from your old CD and DVD collections
Credit cards to help you save money on gas
With today's gas prices, it’s even more important to manage your expenses. The rising cost of groceries is made worse by the rising cost of driving to the grocery store. And as road trip season approaches, vacationers are going to need to budget a lot more for filling up their gas … [Read more...] about Credit cards to help you save money on gas
12 ways to save more money, starting now
We hear all the time about how people cannot save any money anymore. The U.S. savings rate has traditionally been abysmal, though it surged to historic levels during the pandemic. In normal times, though, whether it’s by habit, convenience or lack of priorities, many people have a mindset that … [Read more...] about 12 ways to save more money, starting now
How I slashed $25,000 in credit-card debt to zero
A few years ago, my long-term partner and I were living in his home country of Canada, and I put a lot of time and money into obtaining permanent residency. But relationships sometimes don’t move forward as planned. I returned to the U.S. with only a truck full of belongings, my dog and about … [Read more...] about How I slashed $25,000 in credit-card debt to zero
How to pay off $100,000 in debt
A few years ago, Travis Pizel and his wife, Vonnie, found themselves in crisis. The Rochester, Minnesota, couple had good jobs and lived well, eating out frequently, buying what they wanted and taking vacations to water parks with their two children.But a letter from their credit card company … [Read more...] about How to pay off $100,000 in debt
College financial aid packages: What parents need to know
Depending on when your teen filed his or her college applications and FAFSA, college acceptance letters may start hitting your mailbox soon (if they haven't already). And usually right along with those come the follow-up letters that will likely have the biggest impact on the ultimate college … [Read more...] about College financial aid packages: What parents need to know
Smart habits of millionaires you should adopt
The best way to become a self-made millionaire is to learn from people who are already there. And as you can see from the list below, these habits of self-made millionaires are pretty easy to follow in your daily life. Because becoming a millionaire isn’t about spending like you are rich; it's … [Read more...] about Smart habits of millionaires you should adopt
8 ways to keep your budget on a diet
Why reinvent the wheel? Winning strategies from one area of your life can often work in another. That's why effective communication aids all sorts of relationships, and efficiency tips for quick cleaning also work for other tasks. Spend and save wisely with these eight proven techniques borrowed … [Read more...] about 8 ways to keep your budget on a diet