With the new year upon us, we’re all thinking about resolutions. While losing weight and getting your finances in … [Read More...]
Money, Budgeting, Credit and Debt
How to negotiate a lower credit card interest rate
Ready to learn how to negotiate lower credit card interest? Are you trying to pay down debt? One thing holding you back … [Read More...]
10 guilt-free ways to stop overspending on your kids and grandkids
Raise your hand if you overspend on your kids for birthdays and holidays because you want them to be happy. Do you spoil … [Read More...]
How to prepare your car for winter
As the crisp air of winter approaches, it's crucial to ensure that your vehicle is prepared to tackle the challenges of … [Read More...]
Best easy fundraising ideas for tight budgets
In today's world, where financial constraints often loom large, finding ways to fundraise effectively on a tight budget … [Read More...]
Get cash back on gas and other everyday purchases (yes – for real!)
In an era of fluctuating fuel prices, saving money on gas is more important than ever for the budget-conscious driver. … [Read More...]
Credit and Credit Cards
How to negotiate a lower credit card interest rate
Ready to learn how to negotiate lower credit card interest? Are you trying to pay down debt? One thing holding you back … [Read More...]
How I slashed $25,000 in credit-card debt to zero
A few years ago, my long-term partner and I were living in his home country of Canada, and I put a lot of time and money … [Read More...]
How to pay off $100,000 in debt
A few years ago, Travis Pizel and his wife, Vonnie, found themselves in crisis. The Rochester, Minnesota, couple had … [Read More...]
How a debt challenge with friends helped me pay off $3,000 in 2 months
I was in the ring fighting my opponent: debt.I had the idea of putting together a debt challenge. I thought, "What … [Read More...]
How to wipe out debt — this time, for good
Many people believe getting out of debt is all about math: spending less than you earn and paying the difference to your … [Read More...]
6 things you’re wasting money on — and how to stop
Are you wasting your money?Too many of us get to the end of the month, look at our dwindling bank account balances … [Read More...]
Career, Workplace and Entrepreneurship
Craft a killer résumé without paying someone to do it
If you're looking to take advantage of a hot job market, applying for your first job or wanting to change careers, … [Read More...]
Legitimate work-at-home-jobs you can do now
More and more companies are open to the idea of remote work these days. What kind of jobs are these? They vary widely, … [Read More...]
Good jobs that don’t require a college degree
There are a lot of ways to handle the high cost of a college education. Most experts agree that the cost will be made up … [Read More...]
How to build a new job wardrobe on the cheap
A new job usually comes with a big cost: a new wardrobe. Your first office job will call for a whole new wardrobe. Your … [Read More...]
Should you pay off your mortgage?
One of the more hotly debated issues in personal finance is whether you should pay off your mortgage early. As with most … [Read More...]
What to do if you can’t pay your rent
As a new month approaches, many tenants are panicked about how to scrape together the money for next month’s … [Read More...]
What to do if you can’t pay your bills
There’s no doubt that for many people have suffered a big toll on their finances. Whether you’re down an income (or two) … [Read More...]
What to look for in a starter home
You’ve dreamed for years of buying your first home, and now it’s time. You’ve created Pinterest boards dotted with … [Read More...]
How to buy your first house
Buying your first home is intimidating, and the current economy makes it even tougher. According to a recent article in … [Read More...]
College Savings & Strategies
12 money tips for new college graduates
Don't miss these money tips for college graduates! Now that they're launching into the real world, it's can be super … [Read More...]
Help for college students who have moved back home (and their parents)
Congratulations! You graduated!And now you are moving back home. College students who have moved back home with … [Read More...]
How to score little-known college scholarships
College tuition is outrageous and full scholarships are hard to come by. If a student isn't the valedictorian of a huge … [Read More...]
Cheap food for college students (65+ recipes)
Cheap food for college students is so much more than just plain 'ol ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese! There are … [Read More...]
College financial aid packages: What parents need to know
Depending on when your teen filed his or her college applications and FAFSA, college acceptance letters may start … [Read More...]