Raise your hand if you overspend on your kids for birthdays and holidays because you want them to be happy. Do you spoil your grandkids because you don’t see them often and hope that presents will lead to warm feelings? Do you wish your mom would stop spending money on your kids, or that you could … [Read more...] about 10 guilt-free ways to stop overspending on your kids and grandkids
How to prepare your car for winter
As the crisp air of winter approaches, it's crucial to ensure that your vehicle is prepared to tackle the challenges of the colder months. Winter car maintenance is not just about preventing breakdowns; it's an essential step in safeguarding your investment while saving money in the long run. From … [Read more...] about How to prepare your car for winter
Best easy fundraising ideas for tight budgets
In today's world, where financial constraints often loom large, finding ways to fundraise effectively on a tight budget can seem daunting. Yet, with a dash of creativity and a strong sense of community involvement, it's possible to achieve great results without breaking the bank. Welcome to our … [Read more...] about Best easy fundraising ideas for tight budgets
Get cash back on gas and other everyday purchases (yes – for real!)
In an era of fluctuating fuel prices, saving money on gas is more important than ever for the budget-conscious driver. As fuel costs continue to impact household expenses, discovering effective strategies to reduce these costs can significantly ease financial strain. This article explores a simple … [Read more...] about Get cash back on gas and other everyday purchases (yes – for real!)
Don’t miss these Amazon Labor Day Sales
Amazon will be holding a Labor Day Sale in 2024. We will be scouring Amazon to highlight the best deals in multiple categories!The sales will wide-ranging, from household items to electronics, travel items, school essentials and more. Thousands of items will be included in the sale. While we … [Read more...] about Don’t miss these Amazon Labor Day Sales
How to get a free credit report every year
Did you know you're entitled to a FREE credit report once a year? It's good to check in on your credit to stay in the know about any major changes or issues! With the world of technology that we live in, our information is out there and can be accessed - and this is where monitoring your … [Read more...] about How to get a free credit report every year
GoodRx could help with prescription medication costs
Rising prescription prices, even if you have a solid health insurance plan, can break a monthly budget. GoodRx is a frugal way to lower your out-of-pocket prescription costs and help you stay on track.GoodRx is a database of branded drug savings programs, and offer discounts on non-branded drugs … [Read more...] about GoodRx could help with prescription medication costs
12 money tips for new college graduates
Don't miss these money tips for college graduates! Now that they're launching into the real world, it's can be super helpful to figure out what to plan and save for! It’s college graduation time. That means those of us who have been around the block a few times can’t resist sharing some of … [Read more...] about 12 money tips for new college graduates
Help for college students who have moved back home (and their parents)
Congratulations! You graduated!And now you are moving back home. College students who have moved back home with their parents is a thing - so let's talk about it. The reason is probably financial. Tuition isn’t cheap and you may have tackled that bill on your own. Although some … [Read more...] about Help for college students who have moved back home (and their parents)
How to score little-known college scholarships
College tuition is outrageous and full scholarships are hard to come by. If a student isn't the valedictorian of a huge school, or a nationally ranked high school athlete, taking out massive loans may seem like the only option available to finance the soaring costs of higher education. But there are … [Read more...] about How to score little-known college scholarships
A $50-a-week meal plan for 1 by shopping at ALDI
Sticker shock used to be synonymous with new cars. Now it's in the grocery store (and everywhere else). (Please note that while some of these prices may have risen over the past year, many are still the same or close. This post is just an example of how to use ingredients in multiple recipes … [Read more...] about A $50-a-week meal plan for 1 by shopping at ALDI
5 quick ways to save money right now
If you have taken a pay cut, lost a job or gotten hit with high bills, you're probably looking for ways to save money ASAP. From your cellphone to your grocery bill, here are five strategies for tightening your belt right now. Negotiate with your service providers You don't want to … [Read more...] about 5 quick ways to save money right now
Do a no-spend challenge to see where you can save
If your spending has gotten out of control or you want to cut down on unnecessary expenses, it might be time to embark on a no-spend challenge. Going an entire month without spending beyond necessities can be an eye-opening experience. We think any budget-minded individual should try a no-spend … [Read more...] about Do a no-spend challenge to see where you can save
4 phone calls that can lower your bills
Putting money back into your pocket every month by lowering your bills would be great, right? By making a few key phone calls and being a smart consumer, you can do just that. All you need to get the job done is some dedicated time to get the right person on the phone. Easier said than done, right? … [Read more...] about 4 phone calls that can lower your bills
38 ways to save money while dining out
We all have days when we don't feel like cooking, but dining out can be so expensive and you should never spend money you don't have in hand. Saving money takes some planning on the front end. Here are 38 ways to help you dine out for less.Read the menu online before you commit to dining … [Read more...] about 38 ways to save money while dining out