Everyday purchases add up and bust your budget. Items like food, cleaning supplies, and even gasoline can cost you the most. Many frugal shoppers have turned to shopping apps to save money and help them stick to their monthly budgets.There are so many phone apps that can help increase your … [Read more...] about Best shopping apps to save money
Best grocery items to buy (and stock up on) during the November sales
I don't know what I like more about Thanksgiving: the holiday itself or all of the sales grocery stores nationwide usually have on Thanksgiving staple ingredients as soon as Halloween passes. It's the most wonderful time of the year to stock your pantry, cupboards and even your freezer with great … [Read more...] about Best grocery items to buy (and stock up on) during the November sales
Where to get the lowest price on Thanksgiving turkey in 2024
Don't miss these Thanksgiving turkey deals! See the best turkey prices and turkeys on sale for buying the best cheap turkey! Many people wonder when do turkey go on sale? But the answer is right now! This list will give you some of the cheapest turkey prices, so make sure to check often! … [Read more...] about Where to get the lowest price on Thanksgiving turkey in 2024
Thanksgiving on a budget: Top tips
If you’re hosting Thanksgiving dinner, you’ll likely be hitting the grocery stores in the next few days. Although the cost of a Thanksgiving meal is usually a lot higher than your average family meal, that is mainly due to the quantity of food you'll be cooking (especially if you have guests), and … [Read more...] about Thanksgiving on a budget: Top tips
Sam’s Club membership: 50% off! (hurry – limited time)
The Sam's Club membership deal is a real winner! Sign up now for a new Sam's Club membership and get 50% off the membership price! If you've been thinking about trying out Sam's Club for warehouse shopping, now is the time. The Sam's discount membership is a great way to try it out and see … [Read more...] about Sam’s Club membership: 50% off! (hurry – limited time)
How to keep fall fruits and vegetables fresh longer
Fall is a season bursting with vibrant fruits and vegetables, offering everything from crisp apples and pears to hearty squashes and pumpkins. However, as the days grow shorter and cooler, keeping these delicious produce items fresh can become a bit of a challenge.If you've found yourself … [Read more...] about How to keep fall fruits and vegetables fresh longer
Best and worst deals when shopping at ALDI
Shopping regularly at ALDI can save you money, but if you’re not careful, you can end up spending as much or more than you would at a regular grocery store.Here are some tips to help you sort out the best — and worst — deals at ALDI. Editor's note: Prices were accurate as of the … [Read more...] about Best and worst deals when shopping at ALDI
Simplify back to school with freezer meal planning
The new school year is upon us! Kids are back in school, or about to be, and parents and kids alike are having to fall back into the often hectic hustle and bustle of school-day routines. Back to school activities can mean cramming more and more stuff into less and less time. Family dinner … [Read more...] about Simplify back to school with freezer meal planning
A $50-a-week meal plan for 1 by shopping at ALDI
Sticker shock used to be synonymous with new cars. Now it's in the grocery store (and everywhere else). (Please note that while some of these prices may have risen over the past year, many are still the same or close. This post is just an example of how to use ingredients in multiple recipes … [Read more...] about A $50-a-week meal plan for 1 by shopping at ALDI
How to eat gluten-free on the cheap
Learn how to eat gluten-free without breaking the bank. Here are cheap, gluten-free options for anyone who needs to cut costs while staying true to their diet and nutritional needs. Many people are making the switch to a gluten-free diet due to food allergies, sensitivities, or dietary … [Read more...] about How to eat gluten-free on the cheap
How to save money on food without using coupons
Groceries for a family of four with young children cost an average of about $1,000 a month in the summer of 2023, not including takeout and restaurant meals, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That’s a big chunk of change.But there are ways to spend less on food and still eat a … [Read more...] about How to save money on food without using coupons
Is Sam’s Club membership worth it?
For families and those who have space in their homes to buy in large quantity, a warehouse store membership often makes sense — dollars and cents. But for many frugal people, the idea of paying to shop at a store gives them pause. How can you decide if Sam's Club is worth the membership … [Read more...] about Is Sam’s Club membership worth it?
18 strategies for $10-a-day budget meal planning and grocery shopping
The trend for extreme budget meal planning was popularized by Leanne Brown in her free online book Good and Cheap, developed primarily for those using SNAP (food stamp) benefits.At the time the book was written, the budget was $4 a day. When I heard about the project, I decided to try that … [Read more...] about 18 strategies for $10-a-day budget meal planning and grocery shopping
How to keep spring veggies fresh to avoid food waste
This article is part of a Don't Throw It Out! series on how to preserve fresh foods and avoid food waste.Food waste in the U.S. is estimated at 30% to 40% of the food supply. Fresh vegetables top the list. If you have a better use for one-third of your grocery budget, please read on for simple … [Read more...] about How to keep spring veggies fresh to avoid food waste
How to shop and save at ALDI
You may have wondered what the big draw is to ALDI grocery store chain. Some say it’s a strange cult, a mecca for frugal shoppers. The store even has fan clubs with impressive numbers of followers. And I think it might be the only store that has a secret language. Stay with me and I’ll … [Read more...] about How to shop and save at ALDI