When you sign up for broadband Internet service, you need a modem that converts the digital signal into something your computers, phones, TVs and other connected devices can talk to. The big cable and phone companies make it very easy for you by offering to rent you a modem to use, but you don’t … [Read more...] about How to save on internet costs by buying your own modem
Ways to save money on groceries
You don't need a government statistician to tell you the inflation level when you can see the price of eggs go up every time you shop. Food prices are one of the most common ways people gauge the cost of living. Cutting your grocery bill is one of the best ways to save when money is tight, but … [Read more...] about Ways to save money on groceries
Budget-friendly glamping in an RV delivered to you
For those of us who define "roughing it" as packing our own road-trip food until we arrive at our hotel, camping has never held much appeal. "Glamping" in an RV, on the other hand, seems like a great compromise: Enjoy the beauties of nature without giving up hot showers, electricity and indoor … [Read more...] about Budget-friendly glamping in an RV delivered to you
15 ways to save money on vacation
You’ve booked an affordable vacation, but what happens when you arrive at your destination and your brain enters vacation mode? Suddenly, you’ve forgotten your budget, and are jumping at all the you-only-live-once vacation purchases: restaurants, excursions, souvenirs and the like.You can still … [Read more...] about 15 ways to save money on vacation
Earn cash using the Ibotta app to shop
The word is spreading about Ibotta, a popular app that lets you receive rebates when you shop, so we want to make sure that you have all the information you need to get started. If you have an smartphone with iOS or Android you can use Ibotta. (There's also a browser extension to use when shopping … [Read more...] about Earn cash using the Ibotta app to shop
30% off Eat at Home meal plan service before Aug. 31
Have you ever wanted to try meal planning but you just don't know where to start, or you've given up because you don't have the time to figure out a good meal plan on your own?Meal planning saves a ton of money compared to eating out, but it can be tough to get started. Right now, Eat … [Read more...] about 30% off Eat at Home meal plan service before Aug. 31
FREE freezer meal plan from MyFreezEasy
MyFreezEasy wants to help you get ahead of the holiday madness by offering a FREE freezer meal plan in November 2020.The founder, Erin Chase of $5 Dinners, is throwing a free, virtual "Deck the Freezer" party from November 1-6, 2020. During the party you'll not only receive the recipes and … [Read more...] about FREE freezer meal plan from MyFreezEasy
Get discounted concert & show tickets at Ticketmaster
Concerts and shows can be very expensive. With many so tickets priced sky-high, fans just can't afford to attend. Ticketmaster, the largest ticket seller in the United States, is trying to help ease the cost with its Ticket Deals site.The discount categories include "Broadway's Big Deals", … [Read more...] about Get discounted concert & show tickets at Ticketmaster
13 ways to save money on hotel rooms
What everyone wants to hear is that there are one or two apps or websites that will always find you the best deal on hotel rooms.Sorry. It’s just not that easy.What worked for last month’s business trip to Chicago may not work for this summer’s family vacation to Disney World – or even … [Read more...] about 13 ways to save money on hotel rooms
Six benefits of joining Amazon Student
Attention, college students: Whether you're headed near or far to college this year, you're going to need "stuff." Join Amazon Student and get FREE two-day shipping for college students. The online shopping mecca is offering its Amazon Student program free for six months, so you … [Read more...] about Six benefits of joining Amazon Student
Customizable grocery shopping list for $4-a-day food budget
Earlier this year, I decided to try the $4 a day food budget. Considering my grocery bill averaged close to $12 per day, this was a drastic reduction. Eating on $4 a day is a concept popularized by Leanne Brown in her free online book, Good and Cheap (PDF). The print version of Good and Cheap is … [Read more...] about Customizable grocery shopping list for $4-a-day food budget
Save money with your own home security system
If you have reviewed your household budget lately, you might have been amazed by how many recurring monthly charges have added up over the years. One that jumped out at me recently was the amount we spend for my home security system's alarm monitoring.ADT service starts at about $30 a month. … [Read more...] about Save money with your own home security system
Emergency-proof your life with a bug-out bag
I am not sure if it is the ubiquity of news or the actuality of climate change, but it seems you cannot turn around today without hearing of a disaster striking. Hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, even the upcoming zombie apocalypse are all calling for a single thing.Be prepared.I hate to go … [Read more...] about Emergency-proof your life with a bug-out bag
Easy way to save 20% on grocery and toiletry items
Amazon's subscribe and save service is perfect if you're always running out of staples like cereal, snacks, paper towels, shampoo, diapers and kitty litter. Or, more important, chocolate. You can set up delivery on a recurring basis, whether that's once a month or once every six months. You choose … [Read more...] about Easy way to save 20% on grocery and toiletry items
The Coupon Insider: Save in the theater aisle, too
If you’re a true couponer, you know their value reaches well beyond the grocery aisle. In fact, they can even reach the theater aisle – a place where many don’t even think to look for savings. I’m an avid fan of going to the movies. However, I can't justify paying blockbuster prices. As a result, … [Read more...] about The Coupon Insider: Save in the theater aisle, too