Kelly McCants, a Virginia-based author, entrepreneur, blogger, seamstress and mother of two teenagers, has a new book out. It’s called At Home with Modern June: 27 Sewing Projects for Your Handmade Lifestyle. Modern June, in case you’re wondering, is McCants herself, who also wrote Sewing with … [Read more...] about New book shares easy DIY home decor projects
Emergency-proof your life with a bug-out bag
I am not sure if it is the ubiquity of news or the actuality of climate change, but it seems you cannot turn around today without hearing of a disaster striking. Hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, even the upcoming zombie apocalypse are all calling for a single thing.Be prepared.I hate to go … [Read more...] about Emergency-proof your life with a bug-out bag
How to get Bill Gates’ billion-dollar art collection for free
In the 1990s, Microsoft founder Bill Gates created a 22-foot-long “video wall" in his Seattle lakefront home. Gates spent many millions of dollars of his own money to create the world's largest digital art library. The library contained thousands of digitized images of fine art and classic … [Read more...] about How to get Bill Gates’ billion-dollar art collection for free
What happens when she makes more? An interview with Farnoosh Torabi
For a lot of historic and cultural reasons, men on average make more money than women. But averages are just that, and in many families, the wife earns more money than the husband. This shakes up traditional relationships, and not always for the better. How should people deal with that?Farnoosh … [Read more...] about What happens when she makes more? An interview with Farnoosh Torabi
Who needs long-term care insurance?
Long-term care insurance is a complicated topic. If your assets are low, you may not need it because you will qualify for Medicaid with little fuss and you probably need the money you would spend on premiums to live. If you are wealthy, you're probably better off spending your own money on long-term … [Read more...] about Who needs long-term care insurance?
Graduation gift ideas for less than $50
When I graduated from high school, I received a matching set of luggage to take me off to college. I used it for years. When I graduated from college, the best gifts I got were cash, because I had student loans to repay.Surprisingly enough, those two gifts still stand the test of time.But … [Read more...] about Graduation gift ideas for less than $50
How to save on a vacation to Orlando
A trip to Orlando, Florida, sounds magical, but money can magically disappear if you don’t plan in advance. The big three (SeaWorld, Disney World, Universal Orlando) theme parks there have big price tags. Fortunately, there are secrets to saving on an Orlando vacation, and we are willing to spill … [Read more...] about How to save on a vacation to Orlando
How and when to sign up for Medicare
Think of it as a birthday with benefits. You turn 65 and you are finally eligible for Medicare. Signing up can be a breeze – under the right circumstances. Or it can be a confusing hassle.Lori McGinnis, a counselor with SHIP (State Health Insurance Programs), a federally funded program that … [Read more...] about How and when to sign up for Medicare
How to buy and sell a house at the same time
Now that the real estate market is climbing out of the doldrums (or now that your family has grown by a member or even a few), you may be ready to buy a new home.But do you sell your old home first? Or do you buy and then sell?“It’s always a tough choice to make,” says Anthony Vitale, senior … [Read more...] about How to buy and sell a house at the same time
Best way to buy and sell furniture on Craigslist
The garage and the basement are full. You can’t stand that old entertainment center. You really want a new sofa but don’t want to pay new-furniture prices.In decades past, you might have put up a notice on the bulletin board at your local coffee shop or checked the newspaper classifieds. But … [Read more...] about Best way to buy and sell furniture on Craigslist
Why you should buy a wider suitcase
Let me say this up front – I hate to check luggage. I lived out of one suitcase for three weeks in China, two weeks in the United Kingdom and a week-long Caribbean cruise. Call it the impatience factor: When I arrive somewhere, I want to escape the airplane and be on my way, no stopping for … [Read more...] about Why you should buy a wider suitcase
How to consign your old clothes
Buying new clothes usually means spending money, no matter where you shop.One thing I learned not long ago was how to consign clothes for sale in order to better afford new ones. This is also a great way to make sure that your closet, drawers and other places you store clothes are more … [Read more...] about How to consign your old clothes
How to get a free breast pump through insurance
If you’re pregnant or a new nursing mother, you know that you’re going to either need a breast pump or will have to switch to formula feeding if you are going to go back to work or spend more than a few hours apart from your baby. While breast pumps can range from $25 for a manual pump to $300 or … [Read more...] about How to get a free breast pump through insurance
How to turbocharge your online home search
There was a time when the only way to find homes for sale was to engage a real estate agent to send you listings or drive up and down the streets scouting "for sale" signs.In the past decade, an explosion of online real estate listings services has drastically changed the way Americans look for … [Read more...] about How to turbocharge your online home search
The Coupon Insider: Save big in the clearance aisle
You can always spot a true cheapskate: We make a beeline for the clearance aisle. For novices, this can be tricky, as the clearance section is not always easy to find. In most cases, it's “hidden” in the store, most often in the back. However, each store is different: Some grocery stores keep it in … [Read more...] about The Coupon Insider: Save big in the clearance aisle