When you think about some of the most expensive home improvements and repairs, plumbing problems no doubt make the short list. After all, since the largest expense of a repair is labor and you likely have little to no plumbing knowledge, it follows that you are doomed to call in the experts and … [Read more...] about DIY plumbing projects that save you money
How to make your own toothpaste
Toothpaste varieties take up a large percentage of shelf space in the supermarket. A 2010 study predicted that the toothpaste market will reach more than $12 billion by 2015.Toothpastes come in packages of every color. There are ones that cater to kids; striped toothpastes; minty, cinnamon or … [Read more...] about How to make your own toothpaste
Where’s the best place to save your money?
You're "saving" money, but what does that mean? If your frugal living is a means to generating money for retirement, a college fund or a down payment, you need to figure out how to get those savings out of your wallet and into some sort of account.It's a strangely mechanical problem, isn't … [Read more...] about Where’s the best place to save your money?
Make your own dishwasher detergent
I first tried my hand at do-it-yourself, homemade cleaning products when I concocted my recipe for laundry detergent. Years later I'm still using it, and I know that many of you are, too, as it continues to be a popular post here on Living on the Cheap. After my success with laundry detergent, I … [Read more...] about Make your own dishwasher detergent
How to plan a fun bachelorette party for less
Bachelorette parties can be a blast, but like any night out, costs can quickly spiral out of control. Now, bachelorette weekends are gaining in popularity, but costs on lodging, swag and outings can quickly add up. The event is a tribute to the bride-to-be's last hurrah as a single lady, but it's … [Read more...] about How to plan a fun bachelorette party for less
The Coupon Insider: Buy less, save more
Die-hard couponers know all of the tips and tricks to saving money that most shoppers overlook. Many think bigger is better, but that's not necessarily true. When you use a coupon, the smartest move financially may be to buy the smallest size possible. The savings are in the numbers: Using a $1 off … [Read more...] about The Coupon Insider: Buy less, save more
Wheel deals: How to save on a baby stroller
With so many to choose from, selecting the right stroller is no walk in the park, especially considering that you’ll use the purchase for years. To get it right, here’s the process I recommend for nabbing the right stroller at the right price. You'll want to make sure you avoid costly mistakes, such … [Read more...] about Wheel deals: How to save on a baby stroller
Where to buy and sell used kids’ gear
To save big on baby and kids’ clothes, why not buy someone else’s gently used stuff? Or put some cash in your pocket by offloading the kids' clothes you can no longer use? After all, babies and kids grow fast, often blowing through clothes before getting the chance to wear them out — or even at all. … [Read more...] about Where to buy and sell used kids’ gear
How to stay safe during a tornado
With all the crazy shifts in the weather this year, it is already turning out to be an active tornado season. Here are some tips to help you stay safe.Get a free warning app. Many people who have survived tornadoes say that they didn’t hear the sirens until it was too late. Tornados often pop up … [Read more...] about How to stay safe during a tornado
7 questions you didn’t know you could ask your pharmacist
Pharmacists do a lot more than count pills and pack them into a bottle. “Think of us as air traffic controllers and customers as airplanes in flight,” says Heather Free, a practicing pharmacist in Washington, D.C., and a spokeswoman for the American Pharmacists Association. “We want to prevent … [Read more...] about 7 questions you didn’t know you could ask your pharmacist
Prom savings tips from a money-savvy teen
If you have a son or daughter in high school, then you know prom season is upon us. I have two daughters going to prom this year, and they have already started prepping.As soon as they each bought dresses, they posted pictures in the Facebook group that the girls in their school created so no … [Read more...] about Prom savings tips from a money-savvy teen
Jean Chatzky’s top tips for living on the cheap
Chances are you know financial expert Jean Chatzky from her regular Today Show appearances. Starting this month, she'd also like to be known as a teacher: Jean Chatzky's Money School, a series of online courses, will tackle everyday topics ranging from budgeting to a debt diet. Chatzky priced the … [Read more...] about Jean Chatzky’s top tips for living on the cheap
How to open a bank account for your kid
Banks can be fun, or at least one of those tolerable errands, when you're a child. There's all that money everywhere, of course. The nice people behind the counter tend to give you a lollipop. Sometimes you might find a welcoming plate of chocolate-chip cookies in the lobby. You might even score … [Read more...] about How to open a bank account for your kid
3 ways to find truly free checking accounts
A few years ago, a bigger bank took over the bank where my husband and I had kept our checking accounts for more than a decade. Suddenly our free checking had a fee. Not surprisingly we took this change — of ownership and fees — as a reason to find ourselves a new bank.At first, I thought it … [Read more...] about 3 ways to find truly free checking accounts
5-plus places to find free and legal music
This is a good time to have an insatiable appetite for music. There are more ways than ever to listen to a wide variety of music for free or very little money, and the future will only bring more. Use free services to explore new artists and, in some cases, share them with your friends. Just one … [Read more...] about 5-plus places to find free and legal music