Experienced drivers have all kinds of tricks for saving gas while they drive, so they can save money by not refueling as often. These run the gamut from keeping the trunk empty to turning off the engine instead of idling. If you have mastered those and want to try something more extreme to keep you … [Read more...] about Save money on gas with hypermiling techniques
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38 ways to save money while dining out
We all have days when we don't feel like cooking, but dining out can be so expensive and you should never spend money you don't have in hand. Saving money takes some planning on the front end. Here are 38 ways to help you dine out for less.Read the menu online before you commit to dining … [Read more...] about 38 ways to save money while dining out
What to include in a minimalist wedding registry
One of the things I struggled with the most while planning my wedding was registering for gifts. My fiancée and I are both past 30. We have a stocked kitchen. Our home lacks for nothing, really. Then there is the issue of space. We already live in a small space and don't have much room for more … [Read more...] about What to include in a minimalist wedding registry
Military families get free museum admission across U.S.
Taking an entire family to a museum can run into the three figures. But military families can get a big break thanks to Blue Star Museums, a collaboration among the National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families and the Department of Defense.The program offers FREE admission to more … [Read more...] about Military families get free museum admission across U.S.
How to plan a bridal shower on a budget
As with weddings, bridal shower costs can sometimes get out of control. The average cost of a bridal shower is $15 to $40 per guest (that’s $300 to $800 for a 20-person party), but can go as high as $150 per person ($3,000 for a 20-person shower), according to CostHelper.com. Most bridesmaids in … [Read more...] about How to plan a bridal shower on a budget
How to start a vegetable garden on the cheap
Many people want to start a vegetable garden to save money. It's no wonder, since buying produce at the market can cost eight times more than growing your own.To help you in your quest to grow vegetables, we've compiled the following list of vegetable garden tips and ideas to help you keep the … [Read more...] about How to start a vegetable garden on the cheap
Mother’s Day freebies and deals 2024
Treat Mom to a meal out on Mother's Day on May 12, 2024, without breaking the family budget. Lower the bill by taking advantage of one of the many Mother's Day freebies or deals. To celebrate moms everywhere, many restaurants and businesses are offering Mother's Day specials and discounts. … [Read more...] about Mother’s Day freebies and deals 2024
Card-making tips in time for Mother’s Day
Few of us like being held hostage for a $5 to $8 card the week before Mother's Day, but we do it anyway because we love our moms. Sure, the crafty people get around that by making their own — and the only thing they have that you don't are instructions. That's about to … [Read more...] about Card-making tips in time for Mother’s Day
Amazon Pet Days May 7-8 — shop for the best deals on pet supplies.
Amazon is holding its annual Pet Days sale on May 7 and 8, 2024. This is a time to shop for the best deals on all the things your pet needs or wants. You'll be able to find the deals here.We're listing just a few of the deals below. All of the following are "Limited time deals." The prices will … [Read more...] about Amazon Pet Days May 7-8 — shop for the best deals on pet supplies.
10 easy Mother’s Day crafts for kids
Flowers and jewelry are nice, but for most moms, nothing beats a gift made by her kids. Round up the kids and have them create one of these 10 sweet, easy, cheap Mother’s Day crafts for their mom, grandmother or whomever they want to show love to on this special day.1. Painted flowerpot This … [Read more...] about 10 easy Mother’s Day crafts for kids
What to give Mom when you’re all grown up
This annual Mother's Day or Christmas or birthday conversation is so predictable it's aggravating: “Mom, what can I get you?” "Oh, I don't need anything!"She means it. Most mothers really don’t need anything. But handing her an overpriced store-bought card and saying “Thank you for being my … [Read more...] about What to give Mom when you’re all grown up
Great gifts for a first Mother’s Day
Being a new mom is hard. Really hard. So let the new mom in your life know what a good job she's doing by giving her a great first Mother's Day. Giving gifts for first-time moms can be tricky, as they are usually responsible for catering to every whim of a helpless tiny human. Here … [Read more...] about Great gifts for a first Mother’s Day
Teacher Appreciation Week deals and freebies 2024
Teachers don't always get the recognition they deserve. They take care of and educate our kids, work long hours often for little pay and have been known to reach into their own pockets to help a student or improve their classroom.While educators should get accolades year-round, National Teacher … [Read more...] about Teacher Appreciation Week deals and freebies 2024
Best graduation gifts for high school and college grads
Your family member or friend is graduating from high school or college this year, and you're stumped for a gift. Teens are notoriously hard to shop for, and you no longer know the interests of young adults who have been living away from home for four years. How do you say congratulations with the … [Read more...] about Best graduation gifts for high school and college grads
Thoughtful Mother’s Day gifts on a budget
Your Mom already has everything she really needs, except maybe a pricey spa day or a cruise to the Mediterranean. So what can you get her that won’t cost a lot, but might mean a lot? We found plenty of inexpensive gifts your mother will definitely cherish. Even if you're on a tight budget, you can … [Read more...] about Thoughtful Mother’s Day gifts on a budget