There are a lot of ways to handle the high cost of a college education. Most experts agree that the cost will be made up over the life of a career by higher-paying jobs that require that college degree. But maybe you aren’t sure it’s worth it. Or maybe you just can’t afford college right now and … [Read more...] about Good jobs that don’t require a college degree
The 411 on the FAFSA for college financial aid
If you are the parent of a college student or soon-to-be college student, you need to get all your paperwork together now so you can fill out the FAFSA.While we do try to have factual information, be sure to verify deadlines, dates, times, and information for your specific student and state. … [Read more...] about The 411 on the FAFSA for college financial aid
12 money tips for new college graduates
Don't miss these money tips for college graduates! Now that they're launching into the real world, it's can be super helpful to figure out what to plan and save for! It’s college graduation time. That means those of us who have been around the block a few times can’t resist sharing some of … [Read more...] about 12 money tips for new college graduates
Help for college students who have moved back home (and their parents)
Congratulations! You graduated!And now you are moving back home. College students who have moved back home with their parents is a thing - so let's talk about it. The reason is probably financial. Tuition isn’t cheap and you may have tackled that bill on your own. Although some … [Read more...] about Help for college students who have moved back home (and their parents)
How to score little-known college scholarships
College tuition is outrageous and full scholarships are hard to come by. If a student isn't the valedictorian of a huge school, or a nationally ranked high school athlete, taking out massive loans may seem like the only option available to finance the soaring costs of higher education. But there are … [Read more...] about How to score little-known college scholarships
Cheap food for college students (65+ recipes)
Cheap food for college students is so much more than just plain 'ol ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese! There are easy and yummy recipes for college kids out there that won't break the bank. This list of affordable food for college kids proves that they can treat their taste buds without … [Read more...] about Cheap food for college students (65+ recipes)
College financial aid packages: What parents need to know
Depending on when your teen filed his or her college applications and FAFSA, college acceptance letters may start hitting your mailbox soon (if they haven't already). And usually right along with those come the follow-up letters that will likely have the biggest impact on the ultimate college … [Read more...] about College financial aid packages: What parents need to know
How to teach your children to budget
We’ve all heard the horror stories: young people who graduate from college, move back home with their parents, make very little money and mishandle the cash they do earn.While it’s never too late to teach young people to budget, you also can’t start too early. If you don’t … [Read more...] about How to teach your children to budget
5 little-known ways to apply to colleges for free
Five hundred dollars to apply to college? That's what my high school senior almost spent. No, she didn't fall for some Internet scam. Instead, at one point she had a list of 10 prospective colleges. With each school charging $50 or so to apply, we were likely going to spend as much on college … [Read more...] about 5 little-known ways to apply to colleges for free
7 ways to get free money for college
My niece, Kendalynne Hohe, a kindergarten teacher in Independence, Mo., is an expert at finding free money for college. She not only paid for four years of college using nothing but grants and scholarships, but also walked away with an extra $5,000 when she graduated with a degree in … [Read more...] about 7 ways to get free money for college
Free or cheap SAT and ACT test prep
College admission pressure is getting more intense, and both students and parents are feeling the heat. Many, seeing SAT or ACT scores as an area for improvement, are shelling out big bucks for prep courses. An SAT course can cost $1,000. An SAT tutor can cost (hold onto your hat) as much as $6,600. … [Read more...] about Free or cheap SAT and ACT test prep
Top 10 sites for college financial aid
If you have college-bound children, you probably spend a lot of your day worrying about how you could possibly afford to help them pay for their degree. We won't lie — it is a huge investment, considering student loan debt reached $1.75 trillion in this country last year. The good news is there any … [Read more...] about Top 10 sites for college financial aid
10 things to know before you fill out the FAFSA
Filling out the FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is the single most important thing you can do to pay for college. However, if you don’t list schools that will give you a good financial aid package, the FAFSA form won’t help you. (See our story about understanding financial … [Read more...] about 10 things to know before you fill out the FAFSA
College financial aid: A timeline for high-school students and families
For the six years that our daughters were in college, my husband dreaded filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid more than doing our income tax return. Like students in most families, though, our girls were going to need some combination of loans and scholarships to pay for college. … [Read more...] about College financial aid: A timeline for high-school students and families
12 great free educational websites
Education doesn't end at the school building's doors. In fact, with the aid of these free websites, students of all ages can get extra practice, learn subjects in different ways and explore their own interests independently. These websites are just a few of the many that help kids (and adults) … [Read more...] about 12 great free educational websites