Thrift store shopping has long been a necessity for those with limited resources, but these days it’s embraced by people of all economic levels who love the thrill of the hunt. Not only is thrifting a dependable way to save money, but it’s fun. Where else can you find a Liz Claiborne skirt (new, with tags) hanging next to one from Wal-Mart, for the same price?
If you have ever enjoyed treasure hunts, it’s time to give thrift store shopping a chance. Here are some shopping tips to get started, including what to buy when thrifting and our best, insider thrift store hacks.

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Have a plan but don’t stick to it
The No. 1 smart shopping tip is to know which items you need and focus on those areas of the store. If you need khakis and a jacket, don’t forget to look for them. A plan can make a thrift store visit feel less overwhelming.
But sticking to a plan at a thrift shop is missing the point. If you have blinders on, how will you notice the Ann Taylor dress for crazy cheap or the affordable painting that would look perfect above the piano? The best thrift store finds are often surprises. If you have a strict household budget, consider giving yourself a dollar amount limit for impulse buys.
One plan to stick to, however, is buying only clothes that fit. Even the best deal on your favorite brand isn’t a good deal if the item will just stay in the closet and never be worn.
Buy artwork for the frames
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This sounds like crazy advice because the most popular genre in thrift stores seems to be Creepy Clowns. But wait. Look at the frames. Even the most laughable painting may be in a perfectly respectable frame. The framed picture at a thrift store will often cost far less than the price of a picture frame at a conventional store. It’s a brilliant thrift store hack to buy art in order to throw it away and reuse the frame.
Before you head out on your thrifting mission, take an assessment of photographs and other pictures you’d like to frame. Then bring a tape measure with you to see if any of the frames are the right size. Remember, you can also repaint frames that are in good condition but aren’t the color you need for your decor scheme.
I confess that I also have a secret fantasy of finding a lost Van Gogh painting or an original copy of the Declaration of Independence tucked behind a cross-stitched girl with balloon. You never know.
Shop the sales
As if the prices aren’t low enough, many thrift stores have regularly scheduled sales. Many Salvation Army stores have a half-price day, and Goodwill Retail Stores often have a discounted day for senior citizens. Ask at your local thrift shop if it has sale days for everyone or for select professionals, such as teachers and service workers.
Get new stuff
That’s right. Not everything at thrift stores is used. Retail stores like Target regularly donate unsold goods or products in damaged packaging to thrift stores. Ask the sales clerk if those donations arrive on a particular day of the week, and plan your shopping trips for those times.

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Pick the right day to shop
Know that your shopping experience will not be the same each day of the week. Saturdays tend to be the busiest, and a late afternoon trip might find the store picked over. Mondays and Tuesdays can be good for getting first dibs on the yard sale rejects brought in on Sunday afternoons. Learn which days the store marks down items that have been in the store the longest, and shop that day to snag newly discounted items.
Think “potential”
A top thrift shopping tip is to look at clothes, table cloths, bed sheets and other linens as fabric, especially if you’re a crafter. A dress in a style you would never wear might be made with a gorgeous fabric that would cost far more to buy in a fabric store. Or it might be worth buying a cheap yet ugly sweater for its buttons. Is that table really beat up or does it just need to be refinished? Could that skirt be tailored to be a stunner? Think about what your purchase could become with some TLC.
Teach your children well
Use the thrift store shopping experience to teach your kids about the value of a dollar and how to be creative. Give them each a few dollars and let them explore what they can buy for that amount. Later, give them the same amount in a conventional retail store so they can see the difference. Encourage them to find unusual, funky clothes and to mix and match. Or, see what fun finds they can uncover in the toy or accessory sections.
This is the biggest money-saving tip of all because you might end up with a teenager who puts together unique outfits from a thrift store rather than one who insists on shopping at Hollister or Neiman Marcus.
Bring your camera and have fun
Thrift store shopping doesn’t have to be just about saving money. Take some time to look at the oddities on the knick-knack shelf. I’m not saying you should purchase the pig sitting on the ear of corn or the Buddha piggy bank that talks when you drop in a coin (although I’m not saying you shouldn’t). But take a look and imagine for just a moment the stories behind these objects. Perhaps you want to post to a social media page devoted to crazy thrift store finds. Happy hunting!
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I pretty much buy all our clothes and my kitchen accessories at thrift stores. Our Salvation Army & Goodwill stores always have a “color” (corresponds to a week they put the items out) on sale for 50% off, then every month or so, in addition to the senior & military discounts, they put the entire stores on sale for 50% off – even “red tag” (SA’s upscale stuff) items.
I do look for fabric for sewing projects and it’s fantastic! I love upcycling fabric into new items, even for gifts!
Our extended family only buys inexpensive items for those under 18 at Christmas. Then we have a “gag gift” exchange for the adults. We try to find the most outrageous things at thrift stores or garage sales and give them to each other. It’s a riot! We have way more fun doing that than opening stuff we’re just going to re-gift! When we really like an item for it’s craziness, we’ll keep it and pass it along to another family member for them to keep for a year and give again. We do this until the items just fall apart or are no longer funny. ;-)
I do most of my clothes shopping at thrift stores. There is one in particular that is,a well kept secret in the toledo ohio area there isi one called lions den resale shop in temperance mich. That is cheaper than any thrift store I have found.prices there are way cheaper than goodwill even on their sale days. Because it’s ran by volunteers so there’s very little overhead and the proceeds go to the local lions,club. Also check out churches. Some have free clothing. I found a columbia michigan fleece jacket at one free!! Those go for at least 60. Bucks at the stores. One thing I won’t do is pay say 5 bucks for a pair of jeans that I can get on sale brand new. Some thrift stores,simply aren’t that cheap.
There is a thrift store in the toledo area that is way cheaper than most of the chain thrift stores. It’s called lions den resale store and it’s ran by volunteers so there’s very little overhead. Most clothes are 1.00 for shirts 1.00 for jeans. And the money goes to the local lions club. Also check out churches. Some in this,area offer free clothing. I found a michigan columbia fleece jacket there for free.
The store I mentioned is in temperance mich. For those of you that live in this area.
Also check out individual church “thrift shops.” Locally, in Florida, a high-end church thrift-store yielded hand-sewn French couture dresses for $50, rare 1950’s Fiesta Ware serving pieces for a few $$ each and a stunning 18th century, 18 jewell French coach clock for $25. You never know …
Agreed! I have gotten some of my best finds at church-run thrift shops, too.