Some dads are notoriously difficult to buy for, which can make Father’s Day stressful for their children. We want our gifts to show Dad how special he is in our lives. When budgets are limited, that can be a real trick, especially when dads are of an age where they really don’t need anything.
Solve both problems by skipping the store and making your own Father’s Day gifts. DIY presents are cheaper and more meaningful than anything you can find shopping online. Here are some ideas for DIY and crafty gifts that are sure to please, no matter your crafting skill level.
![Used outdoor gear - Father,son and grandson fishing together](
Photo: Deposit Photos
DIY Father’s Day gifts requiring no special skills
Photos: Dads will always treasure sweet photos of his little ones, and pictures with creative poses are especially fun. Take photos of the kids holding up signs that spell out “Best Dad” or “I love Dad.” Or, steal an idea from Crafty Texas Girls and take a picture of your kids lying on the driveway next to a Happy Father’s Day message written in sidewalk chalk. All you need is a camera — your cellphone will do.
Print the pictures using photo paper on your home printer or at your local drugstore photo kiosk. You can purchase inexpensive frames at Michaels using an in-store coupon.
Coupon books: Real men use coupons so the Father’s Day coupon book never gets old. Give coupons good for help with yard work, quiet time, control of the remote and more. Make sure the coupons never expire. Sometimes these Father’s Day coupon books are unearthed from storage years later, and the fun continues when fathers present the coupons to their grown kids, demanding car washes or lawn care.
Little kids can help cut out the coupons, color them in and also come up with ideas for new ones to add. If you want something really memorable, help the kids make this toolbox coupon book, from iHeartNaptime.
- Celebrate all the amazing dads in your life with this assortment of Father's Day greeting cards
- Assorted card pack features 24 cards, 4 each of 6 unique designs, including colorful ball caps, banners, nature illustrations, diamonds, stripes and more; each card includes a charming sentiment with room to write a personalized message
- Father's Day card assortment is great to have on hand for celebrating dads, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, sons, coworkers, friends, coaches and other father figures who mean so much to you
- Wish a great dad in your life a happy Father's Day with this thoughtful Father's Day card.
- Cover features a modern leaf design, accented with metallic foil. Message reads: "Hope your Father's Day is just the kinda happy you want."
- Inside reads: "Thinking of you and hoping your day makes you feel as special as it should."
- Wish your dad a happy Father's Day with this thoughtful Father's Day card.
- Cover features foil accented "Dad" lettering, embellished with ornate scrollwork on a dark wood grain background. Message reads: "More loved every day. More appreciated every year."
- Inside reads: "Saying 'thank you' hardly seems like enough. You've done so much through the years . . . but the words come straight from the heart. For being there, for supporting and loving the way only you could do . . . Thank you, Dad. Happy Father's Day."
- Best Fathers Day Card: Meaningful words and vivid images, this funny yet heartfelt message captures the essence of a father’s unique and irreplaceable role, it is the best tribute to your great man!
- Meaningful Cover: Dad, No One Measures Up To You, You're On Another Level, You're The Best Dad I Ever Saw. This humorous and touching sentiment makes it an ideal gift for Father's Day.
- Blank Inside: The inside provides enough blank, you can design and express yourself freely, write or draw what you want. We provide a better way for you to express your love on father's day.
DIY collar stays: Even the littlest tots can give mighty gifts. Help them make these super easy collar stays for the button-down Dad using that pile of used cards. Have them write messages to Dad on the stays. No father could resist using a collar stay that says, “I love you, Daddy.”
Crafty Father’s Day gifts for experienced hands only
Handmade tie: You can always go the traditional route and get your dad a tie — with a twist, of course. A handmade tie is both unique and meaningful. Here is a tutorial for a bowtie; just pick out a fabric that will make your special guy smile. Or pull out the knitting needles and create a knitted necktie. Yarn costs can be as little or as much as you want to spend, depending on the quality of fiber you select.
Crafts using recycled clothing: Does dad have a beloved t-shirt or sweatshirt that has seen better days? Use this Better Homes & Gardens pattern and turn it into a unique throw pillow.
Father’s Day gifts for craft lovers who aren’t crafty
So you love the idea of a handmade, personal gift, but when it comes to being creative … let’s just say the cat has more talent than you do. Thankfully, Etsy can solve that problem for those of us who are all thumbs. You can purchase the fruits of other people’s creative labor, and have Etsy artists personalize your gift for you. A variety of gifts can be found on the site at almost any price range.
DIY Father’s Day cards
For do-it-yourself advice on handmade cards, see this story we ran for Mother’s Day. For inspiration on what to write, try this list from Making Greeting Cards or these ideas from Hallmark. Even a simple “I love you” in a hand-drawn card can make Father’s Day special.
We searched for more websites offering customizable, free printable cards for Father’s Day (and many other special occasions). A few sites also offer printable awards, certificates and coloring pages for even more ways to honor Dad on his special day. These greeting cards are great way for children to do something very personal to honor their father, beyond a gift that Mom actually buys.
Find free printable cards and more at these sites:
Activity Village Father’s Day free activities include printable cards, poems and story papers for fun and unique ways to let Dad know how much you appreciate all he does.
Artsy Fartsy Mama: Print these and wrap up Dad’s favorite candy bar for a sweet gift.
Blue Mountain Father’s Day cards offers an outstanding selection of printable Father’s Day cards sure to put a smile on any father’s face.
DLTK Father’s Day Printables include awards, certificates and coloring pages for Dad.
Mr. Printables: Make Dad his own pop-up toolbox card using these instructions.
Tried and True: Tried and True has these adorable hipster cards available for printing.
For more great gift ideas:
- Homemade food gifts
- Thoughtful gifts that keep on giving
- Gifts for the gardener
- Affordable gifts for the crafter
- Photo gifts for less than $20
- Make your own holiday gift bags