For adventure lovers, the changing of the season marks the beginning of summer outdoor recreation. Whether you're an avid recreationalist or just starting out, you don't have to pay full price for outdoor gear to enjoy the great outdoors.You have many ways to acquire used outdoor gear that can … [Read more...] about How to save with used outdoor gear this summer
Tips for traveling with family and friends on a budget
Traveling with a family can be expensive, but the memories are priceless. Whether you are envisioning a relaxing trip to the beach, a thrilling amusement park visit, or exploring one of our great national parks, there are ways to make a vacation fit your budget. With careful planning and great … [Read more...] about Tips for traveling with family and friends on a budget
Want summer camp deals? Start looking now
Summer camp and cheap rarely appear in the same sentence, especially for working parents who need full-day programs that run throughout the summer.However, if you’re looking for some week-by-week enrichment camps to keep your kids busy, active and socializing with others, with the right … [Read more...] about Want summer camp deals? Start looking now
How to select family tree software
I wrote previously about getting started on your family tree. Now I've researched family tree software. When I worked on my tree eons ago, about the only game in town was Family Tree Maker. Now the options are really overwhelming.There are Web-based programs, which are compatible with all … [Read more...] about How to select family tree software
Enjoy free admission to hundreds of museums across U.S. Sept. 17
Museums are the perfect destination for a relaxing, fun and informative day with friends and family. It's even better when you don't have to open your wallet — just your mind and curiosity. Whether you're at home or traveling, explore and experience hundreds of museums and cultural … [Read more...] about Enjoy free admission to hundreds of museums across U.S. Sept. 17
7 cheap and simple water toys
If you associate outdoor play with water toys, you may be looking for cheap and simple ways to help your little ones cool off this summer. You don't need to buy that fancy inflatable pool, slip-n-slide or Super Soaker. You can easily transform items you have around the house – or that aren’t … [Read more...] about 7 cheap and simple water toys
Budget-friendly family summer vacation ideas
With summer comes thoughts of family vacations: theme parks and beach stays and island cruises. For families on a budget, fancy resorts and international travel are likely to be costly to consider. The good news is you don’t have to be rich to enjoy a great family vacation."A lot of people have … [Read more...] about Budget-friendly family summer vacation ideas
What you need to do before buying a trampoline
As sure as spring turns into summer, or wish lists for Santa are being made, many parents across the nation will soon give into their children's pleas and buy a backyard trampoline.As you might guess, a trampoline is one item that you don't want to buy second-hand, second-rate or, … [Read more...] about What you need to do before buying a trampoline
12 free or cheap Mother’s Day gift ideas that cost little or no money
The value of a Mother’s Day gift is not how much you spend. It’s the time you take to prepare it, the thought you put into doing something that speaks to your mom, and the love you put into the gift. A perfect Mother’s Day gift doesn’t even have to be a tangible item, and it doesn’t have to cost you … [Read more...] about 12 free or cheap Mother’s Day gift ideas that cost little or no money
Top 10 boredom-busting DIY toys for kids
We love ideas for cheap homemade toys for kids. Creating the handmade toys is a fun project for kids and adults, plus it's a great way to reuse and recycle household items you already have. Even better, once the work is done, the kids can entertain themselves with a new toy or game that cost you … [Read more...] about Top 10 boredom-busting DIY toys for kids
How to get started on your family tree
Many years ago I started working my family tree. It was fun and interesting, but like so many other things life got in the way and it fell by the wayside. I would advise anyone thinking about working on their family tree that there is no time like the present. Millennials, get started now! I … [Read more...] about How to get started on your family tree
Free ‘holiday house’ kit for kids from Lowe’s
Looking for something to keep the kids occupied over the holidays? Register online for Lowe's FREE "Holiday House Kit" — a graham cracker creation that reinvents the traditional gingerbread house. Complete with all the trimmings to build and decorate an edible holiday house, the kit has four designs … [Read more...] about Free ‘holiday house’ kit for kids from Lowe’s
Holiday travel tips for you and your dog
Holiday travel is mostly about visiting family, but when dogs are involved, both visitor and host will benefit by laying some ground rules. Boarding your pet or paying a sitter is expensive, but saving money could come at the cost of a human relationship. You wouldn’t want your holiday to be ruined … [Read more...] about Holiday travel tips for you and your dog
Free doughnut at Krispy Kreme on Halloween
Grab your goblins and ghouls and head to Krispy sKreme this Halloween season. They've got a special limited edition Halloween themed dozen that will be the perfect complement to any Halloween party you throw or attend, and they have a couple of doughnut deals this month! Keep reading for … [Read more...] about Free doughnut at Krispy Kreme on Halloween
Virtual tours and other tools to check out colleges for free
This post is by Reyna Gobel of visits are expensive. Flights, hotels and rental cars add up. It can cost more than $2,000 for a family to check out five schools for one child. Even local trips can easily cost $500 between gas, meals and hotels. While … [Read more...] about Virtual tours and other tools to check out colleges for free