More breadsticks, please! With all of their buttery, garlicky goodness, the breadsticks are the favorite part of an Italian meal for many diners.
Did you know National Breadstick Day is Oct. 28? And there’s no better way to celebrate the delicious day than with the restaurant known for its popular breadsticks — Fazoli’s.

Photo: Fazoli’s
In celebration of National Breadstick Day, Fazoli’s is offering fans a carb-loaded deal of the year.
From Oct. 26 to Nov. 1, enjoy six (6) FREE breadsticks at Fazoli’s — just enter promo code BREADSTICKS in the promo section of the restaurant’s app. No additional purchase necessary.
An order of six breadsticks is regularly $3.79, so customers will be saving lots of dough! Regular price may vary by location.
Find locations nationwide here.