With so many streaming services available, it can be a challenge keeping up with all the latest must-see series, shows and movies.
And, if you’re unfamiliar with Apple TV+, you can know check out all of the popular streaming service’s programming at no cost.
From Jan. 3 to 5, 2025, you can stream Apple TV+ for FREE — no strings attached.
It’s an opportunity to spend the first weekend of the new year binge-watching all of its exclusive Apple Originals, including series, documentaries and movies, to see if you want to become a regular subscriber.
The streaming service is probably best known for the hit series’ Ted Lasso, The Morning Show and Severance.
Review Apple TV+ programming here.
You can watch Apple TV+ on most streaming devices, smart TVs and on the web.
If you like what you see, the streaming service is $9.99 per month — after a complimentary 7-day trial.
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